Fujin & RaiJin Playing Cards / 風神&雷神 デック

Fujin & RaiJin Playing Cards / 風神&雷神 デック(セット価格)
  • 在庫切れ





日本や台湾を往来して,文化に精通しているUK出身のイラストレイター「Fionn Jordan氏」が描きました。







BOMB MAGIC(ボム マジック)社が企画し,TWPCC(台湾プレイング カード社)が製造しました。



















New cooperation with UK illustrator, Fionn Jordan, to re-created Japanese classic Fujin & Raijin with 21st century looks. Fionn Jordan is an ArtTraveller who lives in both Japan and Taiwan for several years, so he is already deep into East Asian culture. Fionn is good at creating the style of comic that is the reasons we invite him to join this project. You must be hard to image this kind of eastern style is created by a westerner. The blue is Fujin and red one is Raijin. There are all different with the card backs, ghost cards and boxes between these two styles. But, we designed 12 court cards with blue spade and club means Fujin, and red heart and diamond means Raijin. Showing and matching each other like brothers. For numbers, we customized by watercolor strokes from Fionn Jordan. The project has been working for a year that we revised it over ten times. In late period, Fionn needs to finish his parts in UK because of visa problems that cause harder for completed. The project is the first time for BOMBMAGIC to do tripartite cross-border cooperation with Taiwan, Japan and UK. Of course, this poker is the best choice for collection and gift and also shows our determination on Games and Cultural and Creative industry. Created by BOMBMAGIC, Printed by TWPCC (Taiwan Playing Card Company).
